Founder / FEMTECH
Femtech is an enterprise with a high degree of social implication. It aimed at empowering and developing the potential of girls and women through education, technology and entrepreneurship. It help girls and women to be autonomous and to reach level of a socio economic development. The working of Femtech is divided in two group.
First, a free package which have alphabetisation, new technologies initiation, leadership formation and entrepreneurship. Second package is to be paid it has accompaniment, specified formation, consulting and business solution. The principal way for achieving pass by the platform of Femtech. Its role is to allow sharing between recipients, teachers and coaches. Haïti have a much young people and specially girls and women who live on property without education.
Girls and women are discriminated because her lack of knowledge and money. They become dependant and vulnerable. The permanent solution is education. Femtech provide to recipient tools in technology to help to improve daily activity or create activities for reach autonomy, security and blossoming